Universal Microsystems Products
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Serving the Semiconductor Industry since 1999
Aztek Micro
High precision, VCR gasket restrictors for gas flow control and meter calibration
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Verify flowmeter with insertable, reusable restrictor gasketKnow the inlet pressure know the flow +/- 1%Kel-f 1/4" gaskets with thru orifice and N2 flow measured vs inlet pressureAlso available with Sapphire orifices
Kel-f gasket durability --- reassemble hundreds of times
Completely stable flow ----overtigtening metal gaskets can change flow considerably
 flow range available vs orifice diameter

Verify MFM with insertable, reusable flow restrictor gasket
Gasket Information
> Restrictors ship ± 5.0 % flow specification > Calibration accuracy ± 1% @>100 sccm > Calibration accuracy from Primary Standards